速報APP / 通訊 / Voice Recorder Plugin

Voice Recorder Plugin





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Daniel Gultsch Wurzener Straße 2 01127 Dresden Germany

Voice Recorder Plugin(圖1)-速報App

This plug-in allows you to record short voice messages in the open source Jabber/XMPP client Conversations.

Compared to other recording apps it provides a very streamlined interface.

Why a plugin

Voice Recorder Plugin(圖2)-速報App

One of the design principles of Conversations is to require as few permissions as possible. Not every user might be comfortable with Conversations accessing the microphone at any given time.

How to use

This plugin requires Conversations >= 1.1.0. If installed Conversations will

show a Record voice in the attach menu. (Next to Choose picture, Take picture and Choose file)

You can also activate a quick action in your Conversations settings.